As one of the leading wirral domestic cleaning companies the Daily Maid frequently get asked for cleaning tips on curing all sort of common (sometime not so common) spills and stains. For example a recent question from one of our longest standing customers was…

“I spilt candle wax on to my table cloth one evening and only realised the following morning that the wax had set and now seemed glued to the tablecloth. How do I get it off?

Well the answer to this one can be applied to a tablecloth or a carpet as well.

What you will need is a knife, a hot iron and some blotting paper. Scrape as much as the wax off as possible using a blunt knife or scissors first. Then place the blotting paper on top of the hardened wax. Then firmly place the hot iron on top of the blotting paper.

As the wax starts to melt move the blotting paper around gently and the watch as the softened wax gets absorbed in to the paper. Carry on until all has been removed, but be careful not to scorch the fabric.

As wirral domestic cleaners the Daily Maid team are on hand to answer your cleaning questions, and are always interested to hear if your own secret cleaning tips have worked too.